
Tis' the season

Ok so it's early, but I just can't get rid of my itching for Christmas! I have already decorated. I actually did it a few days ago when Vin was gone over the weekend. It was me and the box of decorations in the garage. What was I supposed to do? I admit, those little twinkle lights sure make a nice glow at night when you are cuddling next to your love on the couch. That and the candles. It's magical. I'l wait for the tree, I want to go cut one down fresh this year so I know it won't die as soon as we bring it home. Last year our tree looked like it had been sitting in the hot sun for weeks.

On another note, this morning Riley was playing around and he disappeared for a few minutes. Then I see him book it under my bed as fast as his little short legs could go. I call his name but he wouldn't budge. RILEY!!!!! I knew something was up. So I MAKE him come out and he looks about as shamed as he ever could. His head down ears back. He did something. I didn't know what so I just ignored his shameful face and gave him a pat on the head. Well, I go into my living room and start smelling something not so pleasant. I lift up Cohen several times to take a sniff but nothing. Then my eye's proceed over towards the door and sure enough, a huge pile of doggy doo doo. I knew it! HE knew it! Smart dog. He knows when he does something wrong. Taking a poo on my carpet is a HUGE no no and he knows it. Well, lets just say he got in trouble and wont be coming out of his crate for a long time today. Why can't dogs be as easy to potty train as a cat? Schmeentzy wont go anywhere else other than his box. The first day we brought him home from the humane society as a tiny little kitten the first thing he did was go potty in his box.

Anyway...enough about that. It makes me upset! On another note, I made another pie and it was delicious! Not to toot my own horn but this recipe I got is just the best thing ever! I have never been successful at making pie crust and it turns out so perfect. I made strawberry rhubarb and it was yummy! I think I will make another today!


1 comment:

Grammy Kathy said...

Do think you can make a pie for Thanksgiving? They are soooo good!