

I guess after almost 400 posts I am finally running out of Titles for my blogs!

Riley, keeps letting off SUPER SMELLY TOOTS! I can't stand it! I need to carry some spray when I know he will be sitting by me. Yuck! I wonder if you can teach dogs manners?

I went to the mall yesterday with Jillian. It was fun to spend 4 hours shopping together! It was a little hard with the babies but all in all, it was much needed. I think we probably got a little bit of a work out too :-) This morning I need to get around and run some errands. We have some friends coming for dinner so I need to get ingredients for that.

Anyway, hadn't posted in a while so I thought I would :-)

God Bless!


Vin Thomas said...

I can NEVER think of titles... ;)

Grammy Kathy said...


Daniel said...

It depends if its a girl dog or a boy dog ;)