
Girls night out

My momma came over tonight for a slumber party :-) She is keeping me company while Vin is gone in Seattle. It's been such a nice relaxing day! I spent a lot of it cleaning and doing laundry. Then at about 7:30 took a trip to Walmart with mom and Coco and came home. I put little Coco to bed and now mom and I are watching movies! It's a nice ambiance in my home with the house clean and candles lit all around. I can hear the rain outside. It's lovely!

Lullababy has been keeping me busy! I hope to get my products in some local stores soon. If you think of it, keep that in your prayers as I would love to be able to sell in some stores and maybe even eventually have my own!

Well, I think I will write my love an e-mail and tell him I am thinking of him <3


1 comment:

Grammy Kathy said...

I had a fun relaxing time with you and my Coey. I love you guys to pieces! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo